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  • What are your operating hours?
    Kiwi Iti Early Learning Centre operates from 8.15am to 5.30pm.
  • What are your fees?
    Kiwi Iti Early Learning Centre offers the 20 hours ECE subsidy for 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children attending 3-4 days per week, hours can be claimed for a maximum 6 hours per day. To maintain and improve the quality of education and care provided through our daily programs, we charge for hourly rate of $6.50 for hours that are not covered by 20 hours ECE subsidy. Some parents may also qualify for a WINZ subsidy, Childcare Subsidy or Family Boost.
  • Who are the Teachers?
    Emma Clews - Registered Early Childhood Teacher and holds current first aid certificate. Anne-Marie Read - Registered Early Childhood Teacher and holds current first aid certificate. Teagan Handley- Registered Early Childhood Teacher and holds current first aid certificate. Eden Purdy-Unqualified Early Childhood Teacher and holds current first aid certificate. Hope Warren-Unqualified Early Childhood Teacher and holds current first aid certificate. Linda Fuller - Registered Early Childhood Teacher.
  • What does my child need to bring?
    • Lunch box- we encourage and promote healthy eating to families wherever possible; Kiwi Iti Early Learning Centre will remain non-judgmental in what food parents provide for their child and support them where necessary to promote healthy eating habits. Please bring the food choices you prepare for your child at home, if required by parents’ food can be stored in the fridge and heated if needed. Families are advised to bring enough food for the time that your child is at the Centre. Please view new Health and Safety recommendations released by the Ministry of Education regarding lunch food preparation. These recommendations came into effect January 2021. This information will be made available in the parent policy and procedure folder found by the sign in area at our Centre. • Nappies- If your child requires nappies these can be provided daily, or bulk packets left at the Centre. Teachers will advise parents of the need for more nappies if required. • Appropriate Clothing- • - 2-3 changes of clothes are important. Summer -Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap. Children are advised to wear a sunhat, sunscreen, and clothing that is light whilst providing coverage of their shoulders. Winter - Rug up. Children are advised to wear comfortable warm clothing. A snug hat, warm jacket, long pants and gumboots are a great option. At Kiwi Iti Early Learning Centre we love to play in all weather!
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